// Commercial Real Estate Calculator
// This script adds a fully stackable commercial real estate calculator sector.
// Section: Commercial Real Estate Inputs
const commercialInputs = {
propertyValue: 5000000, // Total property value ($)
rentalIncome: 300000, // Annual rental income ($)
operatingExpenses: 80000, // Annual operating expenses ($)
loanAmount: 3500000, // Loan amount ($)
interestRate: 4.5, // Interest rate (% per annum)
loanTerm: 25, // Loan term (years)
downPayment: 1500000, // Down payment ($)
propertyTaxes: 50000, // Annual property taxes ($)
insuranceCosts: 10000, // Annual insurance costs ($)
vacancyRate: 8, // Vacancy rate (% of income)
tenantImprovements: 50000, // Costs for tenant improvements ($)
managementFees: 10, // Management fees (% of rental income)
leaseRenewalCosts: 20000, // Costs for lease renewals ($ per year)
capitalExpenditures: 30000, // Annual capital expenditures ($)
squareFootage: 50000 // Total property square footage
// Section: Commercial Real Estate Outputs
const commercialOutputs = {
capRate: null, // Capitalization rate (% per annum)
cashOnCashReturn: null, // Cash-on-cash return (% per annum)
pricePerSquareFoot: null, // Price per square foot ($/SqFt)
netOperatingIncome: null, // Net operating income ($ per annum)
debtService: null, // Annual debt service ($)
cashFlow: null, // Annual cash flow ($)
totalROI: null, // Total return on investment (% over term)
breakevenOccupancy: null // Breakeven occupancy rate (%)
// Section: Commercial Real Estate Calculations
function calculateCommercialOutputs() {
const {
} = commercialInputs;
// Calculate net operating income (NOI)
const effectiveIncome = rentalIncome * (1 – vacancyRate / 100);
const totalExpenses = operatingExpenses + propertyTaxes + insuranceCosts +
tenantImprovements + (managementFees / 100) * rentalIncome +
leaseRenewalCosts + capitalExpenditures;
const netOperatingIncome = effectiveIncome – totalExpenses;
// Calculate debt service (annual mortgage payment)
const monthlyRate = interestRate / 100 / 12;
const numberOfPayments = loanTerm * 12;
const monthlyPayment = (loanAmount * monthlyRate) / (1 – Math.pow(1 + monthlyRate, -numberOfPayments));
const debtService = monthlyPayment * 12;
// Calculate outputs
commercialOutputs.capRate = ((netOperatingIncome / propertyValue) * 100).toFixed(2);
commercialOutputs.cashOnCashReturn = (((netOperatingIncome – debtService) / downPayment) * 100).toFixed(2);
commercialOutputs.pricePerSquareFoot = (propertyValue / squareFootage).toFixed(2);
commercialOutputs.netOperatingIncome = netOperatingIncome.toFixed(2);
commercialOutputs.debtService = debtService.toFixed(2);
commercialOutputs.cashFlow = (netOperatingIncome – debtService).toFixed(2);
commercialOutputs.totalROI = (((commercialOutputs.cashFlow * loanTerm + downPayment) / downPayment) * 100).toFixed(2);
commercialOutputs.breakevenOccupancy = ((totalExpenses / rentalIncome) * 100).toFixed(2);
// Section: Commercial Real Estate Results Update
function updateCommercialResults() {
const resultsList = document.getElementById(“commercialResultsList”);
resultsList.innerHTML = “”;
Object.entries(commercialOutputs).forEach(([key, value]) => {
const resultItem = document.createElement(“li”);
resultItem.textContent = `${key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ‘ $1’).toUpperCase()}: ${value}`;
// Section: Render Commercial Inputs
function renderCommercialInputs() {
const form = document.getElementById(“commercialCalculatorForm”);
form.innerHTML = “”; // Clear existing inputs
Object.entries(commercialInputs).forEach(([key, value]) => {
const label = document.createElement(“label”);
label.textContent = key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ‘ $1’).toUpperCase();
label.setAttribute(“for”, key);
const input = document.createElement(“input”);
input.type = “number”;
input.id = key;
input.value = value;
input.oninput = (event) => {
commercialInputs[key] = parseFloat(event.target.value);
// Section: Initialization
window.onload = () => {
Commercial Real Estate Calculator
// Commercial Real Estate Financial Calculator
// This section calculates financial metrics specifically for commercial real estate investments.
// Commercial Real Estate Input Variables
const commercialInputs = {
propertyValue: 2000000, // Property Market Value ($)
annualRentalIncome: 180000, // Annual Rental Income ($)
operatingExpenses: 80000, // Annual Operating Expenses ($)
loanAmount: 1400000, // Total Loan Amount ($)
mortgageInterestRate: 4.0, // Mortgage Interest Rate (%)
loanTermYears: 20, // Loan Term (Years)
propertyTaxes: 25000, // Annual Property Taxes ($)
insuranceCost: 10000, // Annual Insurance Costs ($)
managementFeesPercent: 5, // Management Fees (% of Rental Income)
vacancyRatePercent: 8, // Vacancy Rate (%)
capitalExpenditures: 20000, // Annual Capital Expenditures ($)
sqFootage: 5000, // Property Square Footage (SqFt)
leaseTermYears: 5, // Average Lease Term (Years)
tenantImprovementCost: 50000, // Tenant Improvement Costs ($)
netOperatingIncomeGoal: 150000 // Target Net Operating Income ($)
// Commercial Real Estate Output Variables
const commercialOutputs = {
capRate: null, // Capitalization Rate (%)
pricePerSquareFoot: null, // Price Per Square Foot ($/SqFt)
netOperatingIncome: null, // Net Operating Income ($)
debtServiceCoverageRatio: null, // Debt Service Coverage Ratio
annualDebtService: null, // Annual Debt Service ($)
cashFlow: null, // Net Cash Flow ($)
loanToValueRatio: null, // Loan-to-Value Ratio (%)
breakEvenOccupancy: null, // Break-Even Occupancy Rate (%)
totalAnnualReturns: null // Total Annual Returns ($)
// Calculation Functions for Commercial Real Estate
function calculateCommercialMetrics() {
// Calculate Net Operating Income (NOI)
commercialOutputs.netOperatingIncome =
commercialInputs.annualRentalIncome –
(commercialInputs.operatingExpenses +
commercialInputs.propertyTaxes +
commercialInputs.insuranceCost +
(commercialInputs.managementFeesPercent / 100 * commercialInputs.annualRentalIncome) +
// Calculate Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate)
commercialOutputs.capRate =
((commercialOutputs.netOperatingIncome / commercialInputs.propertyValue) * 100).toFixed(2);
// Calculate Price Per Square Foot
commercialOutputs.pricePerSquareFoot =
(commercialInputs.propertyValue / commercialInputs.sqFootage).toFixed(2);
// Calculate Annual Debt Service
const monthlyMortgageRate = commercialInputs.mortgageInterestRate / 100 / 12;
const totalPayments = commercialInputs.loanTermYears * 12;
commercialOutputs.annualDebtService =
((commercialInputs.loanAmount * monthlyMortgageRate) /
(1 – Math.pow(1 + monthlyMortgageRate, -totalPayments)) * 12).toFixed(2);
// Calculate Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)
commercialOutputs.debtServiceCoverageRatio =
(commercialOutputs.netOperatingIncome / commercialOutputs.annualDebtService).toFixed(2);
// Calculate Net Cash Flow
commercialOutputs.cashFlow =
(commercialOutputs.netOperatingIncome – commercialOutputs.annualDebtService).toFixed(2);
// Calculate Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV)
commercialOutputs.loanToValueRatio =
((commercialInputs.loanAmount / commercialInputs.propertyValue) * 100).toFixed(2);
// Calculate Break-Even Occupancy Rate
const fixedCosts = commercialInputs.operatingExpenses + commercialInputs.propertyTaxes + commercialInputs.insuranceCost + commercialInputs.capitalExpenditures;
commercialOutputs.breakEvenOccupancy =
((fixedCosts + commercialOutputs.annualDebtService) / commercialInputs.annualRentalIncome * 100).toFixed(2);
// Calculate Total Annual Returns
commercialOutputs.totalAnnualReturns =
(commercialOutputs.netOperatingIncome + commercialOutputs.cashFlow).toFixed(2);
// Function to Update Commercial Real Estate UI
function updateCommercialUI() {
document.getElementById(“commercialCapRate”).textContent = `${commercialOutputs.capRate}%`;
document.getElementById(“commercialPricePerSqFt”).textContent = `$${commercialOutputs.pricePerSquareFoot}`;
document.getElementById(“commercialNOI”).textContent = `$${commercialOutputs.netOperatingIncome}`;
document.getElementById(“commercialDSCR”).textContent = commercialOutputs.debtServiceCoverageRatio;
document.getElementById(“commercialAnnualDebtService”).textContent = `$${commercialOutputs.annualDebtService}`;
document.getElementById(“commercialCashFlow”).textContent = `$${commercialOutputs.cashFlow}`;
document.getElementById(“commercialLTV”).textContent = `${commercialOutputs.loanToValueRatio}%`;
document.getElementById(“commercialBreakEvenOccupancy”).textContent = `${commercialOutputs.breakEvenOccupancy}%`;
document.getElementById(“commercialTotalReturns”).textContent = `$${commercialOutputs.totalAnnualReturns}`;
// Event Listener to Trigger Calculations
window.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, () => {
// Industrial Real Estate Sector – Calculation Code
// Framework designed using “Leo Calc” prompt
// Industrial Real Estate Variables
const industrialInputs = {
propertyPrice: 2000000, // Market price of the industrial property ($)
rentalIncome: 120000, // Annual rental income ($)
squareFootage: 5000, // Total property area (SqFt)
operatingExpenses: 50000, // Annual operating expenses ($)
propertyTaxes: 18000, // Annual property taxes ($)
insuranceCosts: 4000, // Annual insurance costs ($)
managementFees: 10, // Management fees (% of rental income)
repairCosts: 10000, // Annual repair and maintenance costs ($)
vacancyRate: 7, // Vacancy rate (% of annual rental income)
loanAmount: 1500000, // Loan amount for the property ($)
interestRate: 4.5, // Annual interest rate on the loan (%)
loanTerm: 25, // Loan term in years
downPayment: 500000, // Down payment ($)
logisticsRating: 8, // Custom rating for logistics suitability (1-10)
energyEfficiencyRating: 85 // Energy efficiency score (% rating)
const industrialOutputs = {
capRate: null, // Capitalization rate (%)
pricePerSqFt: null, // Price per square foot ($)
debtService: null, // Annual debt service ($)
netOperatingIncome: null, // Net operating income ($)
cashFlow: null, // Annual cash flow ($)
loanToValueRatio: null, // Loan-to-value ratio (%)
breakEvenOccupancy: null, // Break-even occupancy rate (%)
logisticsScore: null, // Adjusted logistics rating
energyCostSavings: null // Potential savings from energy efficiency ($)
// Industrial Real Estate Calculation Functions
function calculateIndustrialOutputs() {
// Calculate Cap Rate
industrialOutputs.capRate = ((industrialInputs.rentalIncome – industrialInputs.operatingExpenses) / industrialInputs.propertyPrice * 100).toFixed(2);
// Calculate Price Per Square Foot
industrialOutputs.pricePerSqFt = (industrialInputs.propertyPrice / industrialInputs.squareFootage).toFixed(2);
// Calculate Annual Debt Service
const monthlyRate = industrialInputs.interestRate / 100 / 12;
const numPayments = industrialInputs.loanTerm * 12;
industrialOutputs.debtService = (
industrialInputs.loanAmount *
(monthlyRate * Math.pow(1 + monthlyRate, numPayments)) /
(Math.pow(1 + monthlyRate, numPayments) – 1) *
// Calculate Net Operating Income (NOI)
industrialOutputs.netOperatingIncome = (industrialInputs.rentalIncome – industrialInputs.operatingExpenses).toFixed(2);
// Calculate Annual Cash Flow
industrialOutputs.cashFlow = (industrialOutputs.netOperatingIncome – industrialOutputs.debtService).toFixed(2);
// Calculate Loan-to-Value Ratio
industrialOutputs.loanToValueRatio = ((industrialInputs.loanAmount / industrialInputs.propertyPrice) * 100).toFixed(2);
// Calculate Break-Even Occupancy Rate
industrialOutputs.breakEvenOccupancy = ((industrialInputs.operatingExpenses + industrialOutputs.debtService) / industrialInputs.rentalIncome * 100).toFixed(2);
// Adjust Logistics Score (Custom Formula)
industrialOutputs.logisticsScore = (industrialInputs.logisticsRating * (1 – industrialInputs.vacancyRate / 100)).toFixed(2);
// Calculate Energy Cost Savings
industrialOutputs.energyCostSavings = (industrialInputs.operatingExpenses * industrialInputs.energyEfficiencyRating / 100).toFixed(2);
// Trigger Calculation
// Log Results for Debugging
console.log(“Industrial Real Estate Outputs:”, industrialOutputs);
// Integration with HTML for User Interface
function renderIndustrialCalculator() {
// Example of rendering the input and output fields dynamically for the industrial sector
const container = document.getElementById(“industrialCalculator”);
// Create input fields dynamically
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(industrialInputs)) {
const inputField = document.createElement(“input”);
inputField.type = “number”;
inputField.id = key;
inputField.value = value;
const label = document.createElement(“label”);
label.for = key;
label.textContent = `${key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ‘ $1’).toUpperCase()}:`;
// Create output fields dynamically
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(industrialOutputs)) {
const outputField = document.createElement(“p”);
outputField.id = `output-${key}`;
outputField.textContent = `${key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ‘ $1’).toUpperCase()}: ${value || “Calculating…”}`;
// Call rendering function
document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, () => {
console.log(“Industrial calculator UI rendered.”);
// Section: Agricultural Real Estate Calculator
const agriculturalInputs = {
landAreaAcres: 100, // Total Land Area (in Acres)
cropTypes: [“Wheat”, “Corn”], // Types of Crops Grown
expectedYield: { // Expected Yield Per Acre (in Tons)
Wheat: 2.5,
Corn: 3.0
marketPricePerTon: { // Market Price Per Ton (in $)
Wheat: 200,
Corn: 150
irrigationCosts: 5000, // Annual Irrigation Costs ($)
fertilizerCosts: 3000, // Annual Fertilizer Costs ($)
laborCosts: 10000, // Annual Labor Costs ($)
equipmentMaintenanceCosts: 4000, // Equipment Maintenance Costs ($)
harvestCosts: 6000, // Annual Harvest Costs ($)
governmentSubsidies: 2000, // Annual Government Subsidies ($)
loanInterestRate: 4.0, // Loan Interest Rate (%)
loanAmount: 50000, // Loan Amount ($)
propertyTaxes: 2000 // Annual Property Taxes ($)
const agriculturalOutputs = {
totalRevenue: null, // Total Revenue ($)
operatingProfit: null, // Operating Profit ($)
netROI: null, // Net Return on Investment (%)
dscr: null, // Debt Service Coverage Ratio
pricePerAcre: null, // Price Per Acre ($)
paybackPeriod: null, // Payback Period for Loans (Years)
costBenefitAnalysis: null // Cost-Benefit Analysis Summary
function calculateAgriculturalOutputs(inputs) {
const revenuePerCrop = {};
let totalRevenue = 0;
// Calculate revenue for each crop
for (const crop in inputs.expectedYield) {
revenuePerCrop[crop] = inputs.expectedYield[crop] * inputs.marketPricePerTon[crop] * inputs.landAreaAcres;
totalRevenue += revenuePerCrop[crop];
// Calculate operating profit
const totalCosts = inputs.irrigationCosts +
inputs.fertilizerCosts +
inputs.laborCosts +
inputs.equipmentMaintenanceCosts +
inputs.harvestCosts +
inputs.propertyTaxes –
const operatingProfit = totalRevenue – totalCosts;
// Calculate net ROI
const netROI = ((operatingProfit / totalCosts) * 100).toFixed(2);
// Calculate DSCR
const annualDebtService = (inputs.loanAmount * (inputs.loanInterestRate / 100)).toFixed(2);
const dscr = (operatingProfit / annualDebtService).toFixed(2);
// Calculate price per acre
const pricePerAcre = (totalCosts / inputs.landAreaAcres).toFixed(2);
// Calculate payback period
const paybackPeriod = (inputs.loanAmount / operatingProfit).toFixed(2);
// Summarize cost-benefit analysis
const costBenefitAnalysis = `Total Revenue: $${totalRevenue}, Total Costs: $${totalCosts}, Net Profit: $${operatingProfit}`;
return {
totalRevenue: `$${totalRevenue.toLocaleString()}`,
operatingProfit: `$${operatingProfit.toLocaleString()}`,
netROI: `${netROI}%`,
pricePerAcre: `$${pricePerAcre.toLocaleString()}`,
paybackPeriod: `${paybackPeriod} years`,
// Calculate and store the outputs
Object.assign(agriculturalOutputs, calculateAgriculturalOutputs(agriculturalInputs));
console.log(“Agricultural Outputs:”, agriculturalOutputs);
function exportToPDF() {
const element = document.querySelector(“.content”);
function exportToCSV() {
let csvContent = “data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,Metric,Value\n”;
const sector = sectors[activeSector];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(sector.outputs)) {
csvContent += `${key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ” $1″)},${value || “To be calculated”}\n`;
const encodedUri = encodeURI(csvContent);
const link = document.createElement(“a”);
link.setAttribute(“href”, encodedUri);
link.setAttribute(“download”, “RealEstateMetrics.csv”);
window.onload = updateSectorInputs;